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The Secrets to Confidence

An Intimate Portrait Photographers Secrets to Build Unstoppable Confidence

1. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others!

You are uniquely you, and the worst thing you can do is compare yourself to another! You only see a glimpse to the surface of their lives, not always a reality. Social media is all about posing techniques and photoshop. Posting the “highlights” of their day, and thats what you see is the highlights of someones life! I photograph women for a living, I help women feel amazing and look like they are ready for the cover a VOGUE! Trust me when I say you are not the exception and you are a beautiful Queen too!

2. Keep in mind the loudest is not the most confident!

We tend to think that loud, outgoing types are the confident ones. That is so very wrong. I have met many different personality types and often all are lacking in self confidence. Some of the most successful people are gentle, kind and humble, and among the strongest people you grow to admire.

3. Live a positive reality!

Don’t say anything negative about yourself, if you want it to be a reality then speak it into the universe! Positive thoughts and words alone won’t make you a more confident person, but confident people do tend to think alot of positive things about themselves. Daily reminders of what you are capable of and can accomplish! Create your own mantra, print it and read it every morning!

4. Do not mask it!

Self confidence is how you feel about yourself, not about how you want others impressions of you to be. Make it all about who you really are, and want to be in your own life. Practice daily gratitude! This has helped me immensely this year! Surround yourself with women just like you, that are in the journey of finding confidence and self love!

5. Change what you can.

Confidence is knowing you can not change the past, but focus on changing your future! Make daily choices that lead you toward the future you want to live. Do what makes you happy! For me, making women feel gorgeous and empowered makes me happy.

6. Be Committed!

You have to be fully committed. Consistency is key and doing whatever you can to build your success every single day! If it is uncomfortable, you are probably on the right track to pushing yourself to be your best version of yourself. My business has really taken off when I discovered I have to commit to living happy and doing what I love, instead of trying to be a people pleaser!

7. Find a Meaningful Purpose!

Find what it is in life that you are passionate about doing and sets your soul on fire! For me its helping women find that beautiful woman that I see, but she may have lost sight of! I love photographing women, creating raw and real moments… making them feel like they should be on the cover of VOGUE!

These Secrets can help you find your confidence. Practice them, live by them. Do not worry about the opinions of others, if it makes you happy… Do IT!